Tuesday, October 17, 2006


This is a public service announcement...

DO NOT (I Repeat DO NOT) go see "Man of the Year" with Robin Williams!

Tracy and I saw this over the weekend and it was just awful. It was billed as a comedy, but, if anything, it's a political thriller (trust me, it's not good at that either).

And don't tell me I don't understand Barry Levinson's vision. B.S. I loved "Wag The Dog" and still think it's one of the best political comedies ever. But this one sucks!

Williams isn't funny. Lewis Black is pathetic. The only person worth a darn is Laura Linney and she seemed like she was in a different movie (a better one!) the whole time.

I truly hope Robin Williams will again make a good comedy, but this ain't it.

P.S. Sorry for the light postings. I've been sick as a dog and then I had a loopy dentist procedure.

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