Tuesday, October 24, 2006


So, last night Tracy and I went with some friends to see The Prestige.
This is the second of two 1800s magic movies. The other was the Illusionist.
Neither was very good.

In The Illusionist, we are supposed to believe that in the 1800s, a magician was able to create a 3D projector that would fool people into thinking a real person was there (think like Gene Hackman's Lex Luthor pulled off in Superman except less believable).

In The Prestige, and I'm not making this up, the plot revolves around ... a CLONING DEVICE!!!


I can't understand why someone can't make a good magic movie. I used to interview magicians and they all had really interesting things to say about the process and showmanship. Seems like there could be a good flick there.

Too bad these aren't them.

I'm hoping to see Flags of Our Fathers on Friday with Dono and Dan. So far, The Departed is easily the best pic of the year.

1 comment:

Unknown said...
