Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Long time, no blog.
Just got back from an extended holiday break thanks to the biggest snow storm I've even been in. We got about 2 feet of snow and basically shut down everything. It's been fun driving around. Greeley looks like a ski town with the big drifts everywhere.
Mom and Dad were here over the holidays (although a bit delayed thanks to said storm). We had a great time and the boys were happy to have them.
Now it's back to the grindstone and it's pretty tough to get started again.
But it's a new year, so I figure I better make some resolutions:
1. Lose weight. Seems like a cliche' but I really need to and I'm going to do it. Promise.
2. Get queries out to agents for my novel, Wrath. I know this book would sell well. I just need to do it.
3. Get organized. I have come to the conclusion that I can't trust my memory for anything longer than about 2.4 seconds. So, I need to get better about writing stuff down I need to do.
4. Enjoy the boys. Like everyone, we are so busy and the boys are more independent now so they don't NEED me to help out with everything. So, I need to make a more concentrated effort to be involved even though I don't NEED to be.
5. Lose weight. Just needed a second reminder.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How can I help you acheive your first and last resolutions? Let's talk.