Friday, December 15, 2006

It's my fault

Things are crazy busy around the house and I got to thinking about why.

Then, I realized I'm making my son's birthday cake (instead of buying one) and I'm also making several Christmas gifts (can't tell you what!) this year instead of buying them. I'm sending out my normal slew of Christmas cards (many to folks I only communicate with once a year any more) even though it doesn't make a lot of sense to send so many. And I always have to do a fancy newsletter instead of just a normal holiday letter. And that took time.

So, the problem is: ME!

If I'd just give up on some of this stuff, my life would be a heck of a lot easier right now. All I'd have to work on would be cleaning our house for when my parents come next week.

But, I really love making birthday cakes and ... emmm ... other presents. And I like making a fun newsletter. And sending cards to long-lost friends.

The holidays are weird ... and so am I.


Unknown said...

I concur.

Unknown said...

How was the game with your Dad's??????? How were your holidays?