Monday, January 08, 2007

Movie review: Children of Men

Not to be confused with Little Children or Children of a Lesser God or In the Company of Men.

So, we saw this on Saturday. Quick thought: Eh!

It was visually a very interesting movie, but that's about all I can say for it. It starred Clive Owen. My wife loves this guy. And I have no idea why. To me he has done nothing that is remotely interesting. He looks half asleep in everything he does. His King Arthur was so laid back I figured he'd say "Yeah, Lancelot, go ahead and take her."

My other problem with it was the ending. And I wasn't the only one. When the credits started to roll, someone else in the audience said rather loudly, "What?" and many others laughed.

I know this flick is getting some high critical praise and I have absolutely no idea why. I thought it was boring and pointless. Then again, I'm not much for big "message" movies. I go to movies to be entertained; not enlightened. And this movie was NOT entertaining.

I did rent "Me, You and Dupree" (thanks NetFlix) and while it wasn't a great movie (or even a good one), there were some laughs and the DVD has a special parody trailer which I thought was hysterical and actually made the whole thing worth it for me. So, yes, this was WAY better than Children of Men.

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