Monday, January 22, 2007

Review: Firewall and The Descent

With the big play, we weren't able to get out this weekend, but I did end up seeing these two flicks (one on OnDemand and the other on NetFlix).

Firewall -- If you want a fun movie that doesn't really challenge you, this is a good one. Nothing too deep. No Oscar thoughts. Just an interesting story. Harrison Ford is pretty good, especially when he's stumbling and falling as he flees his would-be captors. This isn't Indy, this is a real guy in a crappy situation. Paul Bettany should be in every movie that comes out from now on. Dude is good.

The Descent -- OK, so I'm a horror geek. I love cheesy, awful gross horror movies. This one is not too bad. It's interesting because it's about six women, so you don't get the horror stand-by of having a guy come in and save the girl. The creepy mole people are pretty freaky for the most part, but also pretty dumb, so it doesn't take a lot to take 'em down. Kinda like zombies mole people. The DVD is not bad and they actually have Outtakes which I think all horror movies should have. The dancing mole people in the outtakes were just funny!

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