Tuesday, January 04, 2005


It's now the fourth day of 2005. Given this strange format of public/private banter, I think this would be the ideal area to proclaim my goals for this year ... but in an attempt to be positive, I am going to make my resolutions in the form of predictions...

By the end of 2005 ...

* My novel, Wrath, is in the hands of an agent who champion it to the NY publishing houses. Contract?

* My novel, Deadlines, that I have been "working" on for the last 12 years, is finished (ironic, given the title, huh?). This was my National Novel Writing Month novel.

* All the copies of my book, "Fumbling Thru Fatherhood," are finally out of my basement (special note: I didn't say how they will be gone).

* I am happy with my job.

And now the important things...

* Alex is a happy second-grader. He still loves to give his mom and dad hugs. He reads voraciously (actually that's going on already). He loves his little brother.

* Andy is a happy kidnergartener. He still loves to give his mom and dad hugs. He wrestles with his dad often. He loves his older brother.

* Tracy is happy (this is a toughie!). She is doing something that she finds satisfying. We have enough money to keep the house and feed the kids.

* Enjoy and support a small cadre of friends.

Anything else I do this year that does not work toward those goals will take a back burner...

Other things that are allowed (but not allowed to take over)...

Relay For Life volunteer work
Baseball (Rockies opening day is a requirement)
Poker nights
Movies with Tracy
Guy movies without Tracy
Baking bread and learning to cook new foods
Fantasy baseball
Soccer (coaching?)

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