Monday, January 10, 2005

Location, Location, Location

We went to Denver Sunday... Too much traffic and too many people. The whole drive home, all I kept thinking was, "I can't wait to get home to Greeley."

Greeley is the perfect size community for me. We have our Rush 10-minutes instead of an Hour. We aren't elbow to elbow in the stores. But we are still big enough to get first-run movies and some good restaurants.

But one thing drives me crazy about my home town.

Here's a good example of the problem: Our local paper recently announced it would start publishing a Spanish-language weekly paper called LaTribuna. You would have thought they planned to print naked pictures of Mother Theresa. All these anonymous whiners started yapping about how this was terrible.

I can't figure out why people freak out so much about things that have no effect on them (I mean how can gay marriage really hurt hetero marriages?!?).

I am not a liberal nor a conservative (staunchly independent, thank you!). But I can't believe the people who are spouting this insanity can wear any label other than racist or bigot.

Sorry for the soapbox, but it makes me really sad to love a community and at the same time think many of the residents are just looped. Guess I'm starting to see what my buddy Eric Anderson is always talking about.

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