Monday, November 14, 2005

The Force is with me

After amassing a word count of absolutely ZERO on Saturday, I kicked hiney on Sunday and this morning. Now I'm back slightly ahead of the pace at 24,104.

The surprising part for me was that I did all of my writing after a marathon movie session with my kids.

Here's how it started:
I took the boys to Burger King after Alex's basketball game Saturday. They each got a Star Wars toy featuring the Stormtoopers. That made them ask me what a Stormtrooper was.
So, I said we would watch the original Star Wars on Sunday. We did that Sunday morning and they were hooked. That led to the next two movies (don't worry we did get outside to play, also!). But when your kids ask you about Star Wars, it's worth putting other stuff off to show them, right?

That's what I thought. And I was rewarded with a hugely productive writing session that pushed my word count into orbit (OK, so it wasn't to the 25K I wanted, but it was still good).

May the Force Be With You.

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