Monday, November 07, 2005


I'm still behind the pace, but I passed the first milestone this morning as I hit 10,000 words. The story is going really well. Probably too well. My internal editor is not letting me write the crap that normally propels me. It keeps saying, "You're just going to have to fix it later, so make it good now." Pro is at least it's slightly better than crap. Con is that I'm dragging. I'm thinking of blindfolding my internal editor and beheading him on live TV just for fun!

I'm pretty tickled about hitting 10K actually. I haven't really given up on other stuff to do it. Had a late-night poker game Friday, watched Alex's first basketball game Saturday, went to two movies with Tracy and some friends Saturday night and I actually made my first pie (gluten-free!!!) on Sunday.

With all of that, 10K sounds pretty good.

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