Friday, December 10, 2004

Shallow Me?

Last week, Tracy and I watched (OK, she forced me to watch) "Finding Debra Winger" which is a documentary by Rosanna Arquette about women in Hollywood who struggle with getting older and finding good parts.
She liked it.
When she asked me, I said, "Well, they make a good point."
That wasn't enough.
She wanted to know about any deeper thoughts or feelings the movie stirred in me.
It didn't.
I have come to the conclusion that I am just shallow. I don't seek insight or deeper messages in the movies I watch or the books I read (and especially on the TV I veg-out to!)
I prefer not to think that I'm a moron -- but that is definitely a possibility.
Instead I think I just like to be entertained.
Remember "Lost in Translation"? I had friends tell me how great this movie was and how it was just amazing and had a great message about life. To me it was the story of a guy who goes to a foreign country, meets a nice, young girl. Finds a friend. Cheats on his wife with a bar slut and then goes back home.
I don't really get it. And, furthermore, I don't really care to.
Am I lazy, stupid or just shallow? Guess I'd prefer shallow.

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