Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Everybody else is doing it, right?

So, I'm feeling a little like 70's-era Steve Martin...

He had a bit about hostages:
"You see so many people with hostages these days and you think, 'Hey, I'd like some, too.'"

This is my hostage. My blog.

The main reason I wanted to do this was because sometimes I have small thoughts (OK, usually they are small) that I want to get out. They don't fit my regular column and my website doesn't seem right for them either...

So, now I'm a blogger...

The more I have thought about this, the more I hope this can be an archive for some of the really fun things I love to do with my two boys, Alex and Andy.

This morning, I was getting dressed for work and Andy told me he wanted me to play soccer with him. Of course, it's 7 a.m., it's about 450 below zero outside and I NEED to get to work. But we played soccer. He had a red balloon and we kicked it back and forth as I struggled to do that and get my clothes on (not an easy task).

I hope I always have time for balloon soccer -- even if I have to be a little late to work.

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