Thursday, December 23, 2004

Happy b-day

Today is Andy's fifth birthday. Five years. FIVE!?!?
There are moments in our lives that we remember forever. The births of both of my sons definitely fall into that category. But while we never forget those moments, it's easy to forget the other times ... the times when we're just sitting around talking ... when we hold them close while they sleep ... when we quiet their cries.
We forget about those times which is probably why it always seems like time flies.
But in the five years since Andy was born, I have enjoyed all those moments... although I may have forgotten.
Andy has become an amazing little boy. He has a sarcastic sense of humor (probably from me) and an impressive vocabulary (probably from Tracy). Sure, he has his snotty moments (what little kid doesn't?), but for the most part I really just enjoy being around him as a person ... not just as my son. He has insights into the world that old parent-eyes just don't see and I love spending time with him so he can tell me what the world is like.
Happy Birthday, Panda!

1 comment:

eba said...

Happy Birthday, Andy! I remember when you were born!