Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Well, Babel finally came to Greeley (as did most of the Oscar noms). We saw it last weekend and I thought it was a pretty awesome movie. It certainly didn't hold together as a movie as good as Crash, but I thought the performances of the two nominated actresses were phenomenal (they'll probably lose to Dreamgirls, but I haven't seen that one yet, so I can't say they were better).

I really like how each of the different segments actually had different cinematography that made it very clear which storyline you were in, especially the Asian parts ... it felt like watching an Asian release. Very nice.

Because of that and the incredible way this movie was shot throughout, I can understand why many people want this director to get the Oscar. And it would be hard to argue that.

By far, I think The Departed was a MUCH better movie, but that's mainly due to the acting and the great story. For direction, it's hard to argue with Babel.

Of course, the biggest argument is that The Departed is MARTIN FREAKIN' SCORSESE who has deserved at least three Oscars before (I especially thought he was robbed after Gangs of NY which I thought was incredible!).

So, I am rooting for Martin, but if Babel guy (can't remember his name) wins, I won't be that upset. That just means Scorsese will have to make another movie and that's a good thing.

As we get a little closer, I'll spill my picks for Oscar (and the ones I think will really win).

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