Monday, February 19, 2007

Nothing to report

I didn't get to any movies this weekend. Tracy and the boys were to Terebithia and (because Terebithia was so depressing) went to see Music and Lyrics. The report back: They both sucked.

On Friday, Tracy made me go to the Big Band Boogie Ball. Lots of music. Lots of dancing. She was thrilled and I would have preferred to have gone through a second vasectomy than to be there. Opposites attract, huh!

Saturday, I had a fun poker night with a bunch of friends. Always fun. I never seem to be the big winner or the big loser. Guess that's OK. But I'm heading to Vegas in a couple weeks and I could go for a big win there!

All the rest of the time was spent in planning the big "Testosterone Tour." Can't wait! Golf. Baseball. Gambling. Drinking. It outta be fantastic!

I have no gone over my quota for exclamation points, so I have to sign off now.

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