Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Just did my last weigh-in. I was really pushing to lose at least a pound to get me to a total of 30 for the Biggest Winner program at Aims.
And, even though the “good room” scale was unavailable (We weigh in two rooms and most of us have noticed one room is definitely better than the other and I was pissed it wasn't open on the last day!!!), I still lost 5 pounds, an inch in the belly and another in the chest as well as nearly one full point in BMI.
I am on Cloud 9!!! Can’t believe it!
My final numbers … Lost 34 pounds (plus 20 before BW beginning Jan. 1 … puts me at 54!!!)
Lost a total of 24 inches
And BMI dropped 4.4. (why I can’t get this one down as fast is a little frustrating!)
So, now this part of the weight loss is over (although we have awards being presented next week and I'm thinking I'm doing well), the big question is will I keep it off.
A lot of people ask me that.
Honestly, I'm not that concerned about it. I don't know why this time is different. I don't know how I was able to stick with it this far when I never could in the past. All I do know is that I won't be going backwards (well, I might celebrate a little this week!).
The other question I get is: How much are you trying to lose?
This is another easy one. My answer is simply: I don't care.
When I started all this, my goal was to lose the 50 pounds I have gained since I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease. That mission's accomplished.
So, my next goal is just to be healthy.
I'm going to continue my workouts like I have been. I'm going to continue to be good about what I eat. And that's it. It really hasn't been that tough. And I'm not going to kill myself trying to lose weight. If the pounds continue to drop (and I think they will), that's great. If not, then this is the weight I'm supposed to be at to still be healthy and fit.
I can't tell you how much it meant for me to get all of your kind words of support through this whole thing. It really did make a difference.


Unknown said...

You should be very proud. Woot!!!

eba said...

Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!

Good for you Jared!