Friday, April 18, 2008


Nope that's not the weight thing. Actually, that's how many innings the Rox played last night.
Got over around 2:30 a.m. I watched it at home and just couldn't believe it. Incredible that the game was only 2-1 after that long. Dono and I were texting through most of the game which was fun to have someone else to complain about how annoying George Frazier is.

Since I brought up the weight thing ... Lost another pound this week as well as four inches (waist, hips and arms) and .2 on the BMI. Next week is the last weigh-in. According to the Biggest Winner thing, I've lost 29 pounds. I had lost 20 the month before it started. So, basically, my goal now is to lose at least 1 more pound this week so I can get to the magical 50. We're walking 18 holes on Saturday on a new course so that should help as long as I don't drink too many beers along the way (HA!).

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