Friday, November 03, 2006

1/10th of the way there

After two painful days, I finally had a good one.

I woke up at 4 a.m. (didn't get out of bed until 4:15) even though my alarm was set for 5 (actually I haven't needed my alarm all week. Strange, huh?)

And then I started writing. It just flew. Characters were fleshed out. An old woman was killed. My cop got wasted. It was really fun.

I think the key for me is dialogue. It takes me a bit to get the feel for a character and how he or she would talk. But once I do, it just goes. Their conversations ramble through tangents and silly stuff and funny stuff and finally get around to advancing the plot while defining the characters to a T (or a P or even a Q).

So, I'm slightly above pace (not as far above as my friend Eric, you can read his update in the Edge of Nowhere link on the right side of the page).

Weekends tend to be tough, but the boys have theater school in the morning, so after I drop them off, I can come home and write for a couple hours so that should help.

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