Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Fall and NaNo

How do I know it's Fall in Colorado? Sure ain't the snow!
But I did get to rake the back yard and Alex had fun in the pile ...

This weekend was Andy's first basketball game and he played great. He had four points and probably about seven or eight assists. He's really coming into his own on the court.

Tracy and I went with the Segals to see Vince Gill at the Union Colony Civic Center. Since Christi was more into it than me (there's no way to be less), I let her sit with Tracy up front and Andy and I kicked it in the cheap seats. I'm not a fan, but the music was pretty good, especially as it was an all acoustic set.

Tracy left town Monday (to go to D.C. for a conference ... she's staying at the same hotel as the Dems victory party is in ... how cool is that?!?!). So, I took advantage of my last night with Tracy in the house and I went to see Zack and Miri Make a Porno on Sunday. There are a ton of laugh out loud scenes. I'm a huge Kevin Smith fan, but this was definitely not his best. It really wasn't cohesive. Definitely worth a rental, especially since Smith always rocks the DVDs with great extras.

So, National Novel Writing Month started Saturday, also. I am trying to finish the novel I started two NaNos ago. And on Sunday it all came together. I thought I had written myself into a corner and then the ending came to me. I outlined 17 chapters (they're short!) on how the book will end. I am so jazzed that I can see the end of this one. I thoroughly believe this is my best chance at getting published. After I finish the writing, I plan to do major editing to get it down to a reasonable form and fill some of the holes and then I hope to get it out to agents soon after.

I can't remember a time I have been more excited about writing.

As of this morning, I'm at about 6,000 words (a little behind pace, but my alarm didn't go off today so I missed about 30 minutes of writing time).

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