Monday, November 17, 2008


I like to consider myself a pop culture person. I like to see the stuff other people are talking about. Am I a Lemming? Fine, I'm a pop culture Lemming, but normally the water's fine and I like hanging out with folks who like the same stuff.
(Yes, I like a lot of stuff that's not "pop" also, so I'm not a total sell-out).
Anyway, I know that not everything that is "pop"ular is my cup of tea (I never got Twin Peaks or X-Files or Wes Anderson movies).
But James Bond is one that I always try to convince myself I like.
I don't know why because I finally came to the realization that I just don't.
It started in the Roger Moore era. I don't remember which one it was but Bond and some chick are talking about some disaster that will befall all of humanity and they, for some dumb-ass reason, needed to know when the low tide was going to be. Bond turns around and hanging on the wall just happens to be a tide schedule. WTF?!?!
And then Tim Dalton and Pierce Brosnan and driving a tank with a statue on it (people were laughing int he theater, but that was just moronic).
Daniel Craig is the latest Bond. His first attempt, while better than most, was just wimpy and boring to me. An unbelieveable love story.
So, I have no idea why I went to see the newest one. I'm sure it has to do with that pop culture thing. But I did.
And, boy, did it SUCK!
The action scenes were filmed so jerkily you can't tell what's going on and the plot, well HOLY CRAP was it a stinker (plot spoiler to follow).
We, the viewing audience, are supposed to believe that a bad guy (part of a really bad group) spent millions of dollars and years of planning to overthrow the government of BOLIVIA. And why? FOR THE FREAKIN' WATER RIGHTS!?!?! Yes, water! Not oil. Not diamonds. Not gold. But FREAKIN' WATER!?!?
I'm done. This is the last Bond for me.

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