Monday, June 25, 2007


Other than some really bad golf and some weeding, much of my weekend was movies. And they were amazingly all pretty good...

1408 ... Didn't know much about this one except the reviews were good. I went with a friend who also likes spooky flicks. It was very creepy and nicely scary. The ending was pretty good (that's usually the hardest part to do well in a scary movie). John Cusack was really good. Actually very, very good. Didn't know he was that good.

Evan Almighty ... We took the kids despite the mediocre reviews and we all were surprised at how much we liked it. Alex and Andy were laughing throughout it. Tracy and I had a lot of big laughs also. The special effects were excellent. In the end, it was a little preachy and a lot predictable, but still WAY better than the reviews.

Apocalypto ... Tracy had to get some work done so I watched this on pay-per-view. All I knew was that it was all subtitled and that it was pretty gory. That's all I knew. But WOW! What a movie! This is probably the best movie I've seen since Crash and it may be better than that. The subtitles aren't a problem because there isn't really much dialogue. The movie is almost all action. And great action. A truly touching and thrilling movie. Please go see this movie. It's incredible!

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