Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Am I a bad person?

Steve Irwin, The Crocodile Hunter, died. My wife was very shocked and saddened.
I have a hard time working up sympathy. Of course I feel bad for his wife and kid(s?). Nobody should lose their father so young.
But I have a hard time feeling bad for someone who put himself on death's door for alleged entertainment. I don't feel bad when people who do death-defying feats die doing those feats. They knew what they were getting into and they loved it for that thrill of possibly dying. If nobody died, they wouldn't be defying anything.
It drives me insane that my kids love to watch the shows where some moron crawls under rocks to grab some venomous snake. They film it so they can pretend they are talking about conservation or education. That's bull. It's all about defying death. His name was the Crocodile Hunter, for God's sake!
Anyway, I won't be shedding any tears for Mr. Irwin. You live by the sword, You die by the sword.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sad thing is, my first thought was, "It's about time." We all knew it was coming.

Live by the sting ray...