Wednesday, August 30, 2006


While my kids have been in school now for two weeks, my "other school," Aims Community College where I work, just started this week. It is really invigorating to have students back on campus (and as marketing geek, I'm glad there are more of them). It is so fun to hear voices in the halls and all of that. I'm guessing that is what the folks in my kids' school think, too. But my kids are not so much invigorated (much like the students at Aims). They seem tired and unable to focus as they readjust to a school schedule.

We went to the kids' Back to School night last night and I always enjoys meeting the teachers, but I can't stand the school functions when EVERY SINGLE parent is there at the same time. The halls are crowded and it's just a madhouse.

But then I had my first racquetball class of the year last night also. I absolutely love racquetball. It's one of the few physical activities I can play for hours without getting bored. It is such a mental and physical game. The physical side kicked my butt last night. I played two games and thought I was going to die. I'm hoping that my buddy Dan will be done climbing mountains soon so we can play some games to supplement my Tuesday night class.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

IT'S ON!!!!

How about five more weeks of softball and then we'll play once a week, like every Wednesday or Thursday. We could start playing Fridays in two weeks. Given my pitching lately, the good thing about raquetball is that the wall is pretty hard to miss.