Thursday, February 09, 2006


So after enviously reading the blog of my friend Eric Anderson who I mentioned earlier, we had lunch together yesterday. We mutually griped and groaned. We even talked how it was almost a year ago that we attended the Pikes Peak Writers Conference to begin our "official" writing careers (yeah, right!). The different now is that Eric has been writing recently and I haven't. I kept telling him how jealous I was that he was actually getting writing done.
Of course this is stupid. I know I could be doing the same thing. He said so, too.
Eric has made a commitment to himself to write. So, I decided to do the same. Beginning Monday (I need time to get my body back in shape to wake up so early), I am going to write for 30 minutes a day -- 3.5 hours a week. That seems a reasonable non-Nano goal for me.
So, that's my vow. 30 minutes. One less sitcom. One-forty-eighth of the time it takes Jack Bauer to save the world.
That's it.


Anonymous said...

You can do it.

eba said...

Well, it's been three days now: tell us you're on goal.