Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Missing the groove

My buddy Eric Anderson is in it. Heck, it seems that a lot of people are in it.
Not me.
I'm missing my groove right now.
After November, I felt pretty darn good about where I was with my writing. Work since then: NADA! Oh, sure, I could use the defense that I have a new job, I have two active kiddos and we have been helping my wife's dad in California (plus the fact that another friend lent me the 10-disc set of "Band of Brothers" and I'm burning up the postal usage with NetFlix).
But they all sound like the same excuses some of my friends use when they say they can't do NaNoWriMo every year.
Eric has the right idea. It's time for me to stop wishing I was a writer and do something about it. Heck he even uses some sage advice from George Brett and turned it to his writing and it seems to be working for him.
So, I guess I'll take the advice of the Pine Tar king and do it.
Hopefully, I'll be grooving again soon.

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