Monday, February 27, 2006


So, I was having a pretty crappy Sunday because I had to go into work for much of it.

After work, I stopped by Wal-Mart for a few items we needed. The place was crazy. Packed. People bumping into people. Getting pissy.

And then I went to check out. Unlike many of the times I go, most of the checkout lines were open. I picked a small line to stand in and I noticed the checkout clerk. She was laughing and smiling and joking with the customers. She was just great. When it came my turn to tally my stuff, she was so happy and chipper, it just made the rest of the crap I was carrying go away. If a Wal-Mart person can be this happy, why can't I? Really turned me around.

Anyway, my new happy persona is continuing to work on my book. Yeah! I have been doing a rough edit of the pages I already wrote (as I read it because I forgot much of what I've done already!). So, I'm guessing I'll be done with that tomorrow and Wednesday will be the push into the uncharted (literally because I have no idea where the story is going!) waters of "Black Sheep."

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