Monday, February 11, 2008


Strange headline, but it fit two of the things I wanted to chat about ...

First, go here. Type in your name and you'll get your new mob nickname. Mine was "The Quill." I kinda like that. Got the whole writer thing going on. Very cool.

Second, got "Eastern Promises" on NetFlix this weekend. Very cool flick. Great acting. Kinda like a Russian Sopranos and The Departed put together. I could have done without the naked fight scene (followed by the stupidest move in movies ever ... mental note (moderate spoiler), if I'm ever fighting two guys and I stab one and then go fight the other and kill him, DO NOT crawl away by crawling over the body of the first guy.)

In non-mob related news, Tracy and Big Andy and Christy and I went to see "The Bucket List" this weekend. I really liked it. Some good dialogue and great acting. Actually I think Nicholson was better in this than "About Schmidt" that he was nominated for.

Other news ... Alex had basketball this weekend and he got a bucket (nice how that ties to the previous note, huh?). Normally two points wouldn't be a big deal, but it was two of maybe six points his team scored against a team that looked like a pale version of the Harlem Globetrotters.

Andy didn't play this weekend because that morning he was playing with a friend who had slept over in the kitchen with a fake medieval axe (don't ask) and Andy got hit in the eye. I didn't think it was a big deal, but Tracy took him to the Urgent Care and they super glued the wound on his eyelid shut. What do I know?

And on the weightloss front, I'm down about 23 pounds so far since January 1 ... actually about nearly 30 pounds from mid-December. It's going well so far. Had to make two new notches for my belt and I'm fitting into pants I couldn't before.

Mom's coming to visit on Wednesday and the boys are super excited. Should be fun. So, we're trying to clean up the house enough so she won't call Social Services on us. Might take a bit.

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