Friday, February 29, 2008


Yes, this was Larry Walker's number with the Rockies and it is now how much I've lost since Jan. 1.
Lost about 3-4 inches in the belly and a couple more in the chest. My BMI is down a couple points.
I have lots still to go, but I'm feeling good.
And to top it all off, my team in the "Biggest Winner" thing at Aims took first place this week. We won by two points which is pretty darn close.
Anyway, I'm happy and that means I can have popcorn at the movies Saturday.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Buckle up

This weekend, a friend died. Shane Stewart and his wife Cyndee have been good friends for as long as our kids have been around. Tracy knew Cyndee from Aims and then their two boys went to the same daycare as our two boys. We went to birthday parties together, t-ball games, even had a couple parents-only nights out dancing (Shane was the only one of the guys who actually liked dancing).

Shane was also a firefighter. On Saturday, he was driving to help out on a medical call when the truck he was driving went off the road and flipped over, throwing him out. The cops say he wasn't wearing a seat belt. That's actually pretty hard for me to believe because he was a very conscientious guy. But in the heat of a call, who knows what happens.

I've been in a haze since I heard the news. Shane was only 33. His kids were each just a little younger than my two boys. I can't imagine what they are going through right now. Logan is the youngest (7 or 8) and he is just adorable kid. Blake is the older brother (9) and is the spitting image of Shane (actually both boys are). Alex and Andy always enjoyed playing with them even though we don't see them as often since they live in Pierce and go to a different school. But we see them every year at Relay For Life and at various events around town and when they get together, it's like no time has been lost.

Cyndee has a great support system in her community with family (lots) and friends. But my heart breaks at thinking what they will be missing out on without Shane.

So, just as a reminder, for Shane's sake and the people you love ... buckle up.

Monday, February 18, 2008


Mom visited this weekend. Had a great time.
Ate more than I should. Hoping to at least break even for the week by weigh-in day on Wednesday. (I was tied for second place after the first week in our work Biggest Loser thing!)

Other than eating, saw a lot of movies this weekend, too:
Jumper ... saw it with Mom which was cool because it's probably the first movie since "Karate Kid" that we saw together ... just us. The movie was pretty good, too. Good effects. Good story.

Definitely, maybe ... saw with Tracy (ah!). Pretty good chick flick. Had a unique story-telling style and the little girl (from Little Miss Sunshine) was outstanding.

Spiderwyck Chronicles ... saw with the whole fam damily. Actually a very good flick. Surprising actually. I usually got to kid movies as a chance to catch up on my sleep. But I liked this one a lot.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


So, I don't want to obsess on all this stuff, but I figured I should update.
Based on my official hi-tech scale at home, I am down 25 pounds since Jan. 1 and 30 pounds from my all-time ugly weight.
I had my second weigh-in at work for the "Biggest Winner" thing we're doing and I lost 8 pounds from last week and 1.5 body fat (I have no idea what that means, but the medical assistant, Jen, who is doing my measurements seemed all excited about that.
So far, it hasn't been difficult. I have popcorn at the movies. I had queso at poker the other night. I even had creme brule when we went to Bent Fork for Tracy's mom's birthday dinner. But mostly I'm eating right, I completely cut out pop (not coffee because I need caffeine!), and I'm working out daily at racquetball or on the stationary bike at home.
I know it will get tougher, but I certainly feel better and I'm kicking ass in racquetball right now.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Click here. Then click on play on the movie.
Spongebob Squarepants actors dub scenes (perfectly) from Casablanca, Singing in the Rain and The Godfather.
This is why Al Gore created the Internets.

Monday, February 11, 2008


Strange headline, but it fit two of the things I wanted to chat about ...

First, go here. Type in your name and you'll get your new mob nickname. Mine was "The Quill." I kinda like that. Got the whole writer thing going on. Very cool.

Second, got "Eastern Promises" on NetFlix this weekend. Very cool flick. Great acting. Kinda like a Russian Sopranos and The Departed put together. I could have done without the naked fight scene (followed by the stupidest move in movies ever ... mental note (moderate spoiler), if I'm ever fighting two guys and I stab one and then go fight the other and kill him, DO NOT crawl away by crawling over the body of the first guy.)

In non-mob related news, Tracy and Big Andy and Christy and I went to see "The Bucket List" this weekend. I really liked it. Some good dialogue and great acting. Actually I think Nicholson was better in this than "About Schmidt" that he was nominated for.

Other news ... Alex had basketball this weekend and he got a bucket (nice how that ties to the previous note, huh?). Normally two points wouldn't be a big deal, but it was two of maybe six points his team scored against a team that looked like a pale version of the Harlem Globetrotters.

Andy didn't play this weekend because that morning he was playing with a friend who had slept over in the kitchen with a fake medieval axe (don't ask) and Andy got hit in the eye. I didn't think it was a big deal, but Tracy took him to the Urgent Care and they super glued the wound on his eyelid shut. What do I know?

And on the weightloss front, I'm down about 23 pounds so far since January 1 ... actually about nearly 30 pounds from mid-December. It's going well so far. Had to make two new notches for my belt and I'm fitting into pants I couldn't before.

Mom's coming to visit on Wednesday and the boys are super excited. Should be fun. So, we're trying to clean up the house enough so she won't call Social Services on us. Might take a bit.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Catch up

Crazy work days lately. Seems like everyone's that way right now. Post holiday freak-out? Amazing how it hits everyone.

Saturday, Dono and I took the boys to the Friends of Baseball Breakfast. Tracy Ringolsby and Nolan Ryan were the featured speakers. Ringolsby tried to be a philosopher instead of a baseball insider and bombed. Ryan, however, made up for it with what seemed like an off-the-cuff speech filled with great baseball stories and great lines.

This weekend, my NetFlix brought me two cool flix and the boys and I rented another on OnDemand:
Sleeper Cell Season 2 (disc 1) ... Season 1 was awesome (all terrorist activity should be at Dodger and Yankee Stadiums!) and Season 2 starts off great. Can't wait to see where it goes. Bummer there was no Season 3.

King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters ... Absolutely fantastic documentary on a group of people who are obsessed with 1980s video games. Obviously the movies centers on Donkey Kong (not my fav game of that era but certainly great) and one man's goal to unseat the champ who has held the high score on the game since 1982. Better than any scripted movie.

Ratatouile (spell?) ... Heard a lot about this one and it ceetainly lives up to the hype. Great story. Fun characters. Great kid flick that adults will like, too.