Monday, January 28, 2008

Ready for the week?

Well, the weekend was a whirlwind with basketball games, team photos, playdates for the boys and on Sunday we went to Denver for the Denver Kids Expo to promo the book. Long day. Not many sales, but the boys had a good time getting crap from the other booths.

But I did get to see two movies:

Juno -- Excellent flick. Great dialogue (kinda like a female Kevin Smith wrote it ... quite a compliment to Diablo Cody). Really liked it.

There Will Be Blood -- Amazing acting. Brilliant look of the movie. Some have complained it is slow. I don't agree. I was pulled along the whole way but I don't really know for what purpose. As I have mentioned before I have come to accept the fact I enjoy superficial entertainment. I really don't want to think too deeply about metaphors and symbols and all that crap. I just want a good story. And this one had a good story for most of the movie. I don't really get the point of the movie based on the ending. But Daniel Day-Lewis is spectaculor.

Also, on NetFlix I have recently been watching Season 1 of Sleeper Cell which was a Showtime series that lasted 2 seasons. This was base don a recommendation on NetFlix because I like the show 24. And I have got to say it is a GREAT show. I don't know why it only lasted 2 seasons. Maybe the second one sucks (but based on the reviews in NetFlix, I don't think so). Anyway, rent it. It rocks.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Movie-going experience

So, my friend Andy and I went to see "Cloverfield" on Saturday night.

The movie, itself, was very good, I thought (Andy didn't think so because the moving camera thing made him sick).

But the worst part about it was the audience. I realize it was probably a mistake to see a big movie at an evening showing on opening weekend. I don't often get to do that, so I took advantage.

Anyway, the scene in the Greeley Mall Cinemark was horrible. There were 6 teens behind us who talked (not about the movie) throughout and kicked our seats. Andy and I both talked to them and then got the manager who had ushers (are they still called that?) walk up and down the aisles. When they would walk by, the teens would shut up and then they'd start it up 20 seconds later.

Remember when teens used to at least have respect for adults (at least to their faces). These little bastards just kept mouthing off ("I didn't say nothing, man!"). I wanted to go kick their parents' asses.

Going out to a movie is a treat for me. I love seeing a big movie on a big screen (and this one definitely qualified ... although a smaller screen would have made Andy less sick, probably). But because people feel they have a right to ruin everyone else's enjoyment of a movie, I won't be going to any opening night flicks again.

Friday, January 18, 2008


Couple quick reviews
Fu** -- A documentary on my favorite cuss word. Very funny. Interesting interviews from supporters and detractors.
Superbad -- I loved this movie. So damn funny. This generation's Porky's.
Scoop -- Interesting Woody Allen movie. Ending I saw coming from a mile away but worth a rental.
Wild Hogs -- WAY better than I expected. Not brilliant, but has some funny parts.
The Hitcher -- Not as good as the original (no finger in the fries ... that ain't right) but it does show the gore of the ending that the first one pussed out on.
Balls of Fury -- Just for Christopher Walken and bad hair metal ... dumb fun
The Heartbreak Kid -- Surprised this

I Am Legend -- Very good. Great effects. Interesting ending.
National Treasure -- Eh.
Probably seeing Atonement or Cloverfield this weekend. Guess which one I want to see?

Thursday, January 17, 2008


So, this whole weight thing is kinda strange. I've been eating good and working out a little every day. Step on the scale this morning. I've lost 16 pounds since New Year's! Holy crap! I know these are the "easy" pounds but that is so awesome.

I actually had to go and add notches to my belt the other day.

Bizarre, but I'll take it.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Still not 100%

Got hit with a bad bug last week. Could barely move, breathe or anything else for several days.

It's still lingering but I'm back at work now.

The good news: I lost five pounds. So, I'm using this as my un-official kickoff to my annual feeble attempt at losing weight. They are doing a competition ("The Biggest Winner" ... gotta avoid getting sued by NBC) at work and I'm going to do it. It runs from February to May. I'm starting early (only because of the cold).

I'll be much better when I have enough energy to actually work out also.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008


OK, so obviously I didn't get much blogging done over the break.
It was a nice vacation. Spent time with friends (poker) and family (eating ... first pic below is Tracy's Uncle George and her mom in the kitchen). Saw a couple movies on DVD and one in the theater (National Treasure ... eh.) Saw a dinner theater production in Boulder (2nd pic below is boys with their fav actor from the show) and had a great going-away party for my former editor Bill Spencer from the Fort Morgan Times.

Tracy and I actually got to spend the night away from the kiddos in FM and had a good time checking out the old haunts (our old house, the Times building, etc.). The last picture is Tracy at the gravesite of her grandma and grandpa. She tromped a cute heart in the snow.

Hope everyone has a great 2008.