Thursday, April 20, 2006


I know this will sound like me being one of those "When I was growing up" whines, but ...

When I was growing up, it sure seemed like service and integrity were more abundant qualities than we see today. After battling the local Honda dealership's service department for more than a month last year, I was frustrated.

But now I'm just pissed.

First, I have to explain that I am warm blooded by nature. I sweat when it's 60 degrees out. So, one of the first purchases for our home in Greeley was an air conditioner. We use it pretty regularly and we pay the installation company a service fee to keep it up and running well. We had already cranked it up a few times as the temps rose (while California was swimming! HA!). It worked fine.

Then, last week, the service guy came for his twice-a-year checkup of the air conditioner and furnace. He did a bunch of stuff that I don't understand and then he left. The next day we turned on the AC and nothing happened. We called the service people and he came out again and noticed the circuit breaker was popped. He pushed it back and told Tracy the cooling unit would turn on in about an hour.

Two days later and we still had nothing (meanwhile my house is sauna!). So we called the service people again. A different guy comes out and opens the AC unit and says it basically exploded and shows Tracy the melted components inside. He also says we need to buy a new one for $800 to $1,200 (depending if it was still under warranty).

Tracy said it seemed awfully suspicious that this could have happened right after the other service guy told her we had a "clean bill of health".

He said that was just a coincidence.

HA! Yes, I said HA! Give me a break! He later came back and told us the part was still under warranty but that it would still cost us $700! HA! HA! Tracy then showed him a coupon for 30 percent off and he said he figured that in already. HA! HA! HA!

In case you can't tell, I'm a little miffed. Tracy is supposed to call the owner of the company today. It'll be interesting to see if service and integrity are actually dead or not!

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