Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Back to the real world

OK, I had the guy trip.
Had the San Diego trip.
Playing poker this weekend.
Opening Day is Monday.
But it's time to get back to reality.
My goals:
* Weight... I gained 5 of the 17 pounds back over the 2 trips. All in all I thought that was pretty good because I figured I'd gain more like 45. But now it's time to get back at it.
* Book ... yeah, it's not November. But I know I can do this. My dreams of being a full-time writer seem to pop up more and more. I just need to carve the time out to do it. My plans are to put together a good letter for agents and send it out to about five at a time until I get a nibble. This will be for my novel, Wrath. Then, I'm going to FINALLY finish Black Sheep. This book is proably the best thing I've written. It actually scared me while I was writing it. But I need to write the last third of it and then work on the editing because I actually think this would make a good movie as well.

Reality ain't so tough.

1 comment:

eba said...

Write that letter by April 15 (tax day!) and I'll help you proof it.