Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Off break

OK, so I'm back... It was a heck of a good break ... lots of time with the boys.
Here's a basic rundown...
* Had a great poker night with my friends Ross and Juli from California. We played until 5 a.m. and I lost about $10. Not bad. Had a great time, though.
* Found out my buddy Donovan is moving back to Greeley! Yeah!
* Rode the Poudre Trail with the boys (gorgeous!)
* Got to spend two hours of uninterupted time in Borders to spend my Christmas gift certificate (hanging out in a book store is one of my greatest pleasures (having more money to spend there would be high on the list as well))
* Signed up on an online poker site because my friend, Dan, is so into it. I was doing OK until Donovan lost a bundle of my play money after I went to sleep. But it is fun.
* Had a wonderful Christmas dinner at Ruth's!
* Ate WAY too much.
* Saw King Kong (very good!), Took the boys to Narnia (surprisingly excellent), Saw Family Stone with Tracy after a wonderful meal at Outback (our first date night by ourselves in months!), Saw Munich with Dono and Ross (pretty good ... very long ... but good).
* Watched the boys at their soccer clinic downtown.
* Watched DVDs-o-plenty ... the highlights: Star Wars Ep 3 extras were just awesome (Lucas' back info is like going to a film school), Airplane (classic Tracy gave me), The Island (just really fun ... brainless but fun))
* Didn't write anything, but I did think about it a lot. I have some cool ideas for where the rest of this book is going to end up and now I just have to get it back in my schedule.
* Took down all the Christmas decorations (two day job, but it feels good to have it done).
* Let the boys stay up for New Years for the first time and they loved it. (and they actually slept in the next day!)

Guess that's about it. Hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday.

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