Tuesday, December 06, 2005


OK, I'm not writing.
My alarm goes off in the morning. I lay there. I'm tired. I contemplate getting up to write. I lay there. I think about just getting the ball rolling again and how easy (relatively) it was to get the first 50K. It's a fun story. It's going well. JUST WRITE, Darn it! And I just lay there.
And then I look at the clock and it's time to get up to get dressed for work.
I'm hoping I'm surrfering from a short-term NaNo hangover.
I will get back to it.
It's finally starting to snow here! I love sitting inside a warm house, sipping on some spiked hot apple cider and writing. Now, all I have to do is do it!


eba said...

Just do it.

Do or do not; there is no try.

C'mon man, get with it.

eba said...

Anything yet?