Thursday, October 27, 2005


Check out my NaNo guage to the left. Anyone who cares will see how far I've gotten on my novel there!


Last night the first official Greeley National Novel Writing Month group met. There were about 11 or 12 folks who all pledged to write at least a 50,000 word novel in the month of November. It's very cool to connect with folks who are into writing for writing sake. And as we went around and discussed our various planned projects, I soon realized that my sick and twisted tale of a psycho-killer who lives with his unsuspecting victims before he offs them may have been one of the more "normal" storylines from our group.
Knowing I'm not nearly as strange as I (and often my wife) thinks was well worth the cost of the hot chocolate. Now I just have to write the darn thing.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Haven't had much to say lately... a few things, though:

Family ... My mom, sister and nephew are coming for the weekend. The boys are thrilled. Tracy and I have been going nuts trying to get the house clean. Should be a great time!

Poker ... Now that the house is back in order, it's time for poker nights again!!! My friend, Dan, will be very happy.

Baseball ... This time of year is hard for me. I love the World Series, but I realize it's going to be a long off-season.

Soccer ... Ditto

NaNoWriMo ... Seems like there's a lot more interest in Greeley-ville these days about this. We even have our own forum site. I love chatting with others who are planning the same thing, but I can't wait to get started for November. I think I have some really good ideas.

Beer ... I had my first one in more than a year this last weekend (thanks to my Celiac Disease thing). It was wonderful! I never thought I actually liked beer that much. According to the Celiac sites, I can have a beer "occassionally." The last time I did, I got a stomach ache the next day. This time: Nothing. What does this mean? I'm drinking Fat Tire "occassionally!"

Monday, October 10, 2005


Well it's getting close to National Novel Writing Month again.

This will be my fourth year (hopefully my third completion) of writing a 50,000-word novel in 30 days. I go into the month expecting to write absolute garbage and I have always been pleasantly surprised how non-crappy it turns out.

Anyway, we have a group from Greeley who are going to meet later this month to kick off our little adventure. I've been doing this with my friend Eric Anderson for all four years, but last year we brought in a couple other Greeley folks and sounds like this year will be even bigger.

Normally I don't like writing groups because I think it takes time away from actually writing, but this group, so far, has emphasized encouragement so we all know we're not doing this alone.

Anyway, I can't wait to get started!