Friday, September 16, 2005


So, the last two days I got to see Donald Trump and Rudy Guiliani live at a biz conference here.

Pretty cool, actually.

Trump made a lot of people mad. He used a number of dirty words (oooh, the F-bomb!) and was pretty crass about his dealings with people. I actually enjoyed it. It really showed him as a person. Yes, he's a jerk, but at least now I know he's a human jerk.

I'm not sure why swearing has the exact opposite reaction on me than other people. The second someone curses around me, I feel more relaxed. I remember the first time I met Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell when I was in Fort Morgan. Like always, he rode into town on his motorcycle. He walked into the conference room with me and my editor and said, "It's hotter than s*** out there."

I was so impressed. I mean here is a guy who is representing Colorado in the U.S. Senate and he feels comfortable enough around us to swear! How cool.

Anyway, like I said, it wasn't Trump's swearing that turned me off (I liked it). But, rather, he was mean-spirited and didn't really have anything to say beyond "be sure to watch The Apprentice" and "Don't I have a hot wife?" I mean, one of his points about good business is "Be sure to get a pre-nup." Obviously, Trump thinks of marriage like a business transaction, but the rest of us don't.

Guiliani was pretty impressive. He's obviously planning a run for president. Hard to think who could beat him. I actually got to ask him a question about media handling. Pretty fun.


Anonymous said...

Did you see Trump sing last night on the Emmy's? I was voting for Shatner's cover, but Trump in overalls and singing off key was pretty swell.

Jared Fiel said...

Yup, I did catch it. Very funny. I was kind of hoping to hear something like "... the freakin' chores..."
I agree that Shatner should have won.
Next year ...
Martha Stewart sings "My Life" from Bosom Buddies
Howard Stern sings "WKRP in Cincinnatti"
Britney Spears sings "Beverly Hillbillies"
Mel Gibson sings "The Brady Bunch"