Wednesday, March 26, 2008

It's official

Had my official weigh-in this morning. I'm down 9 pounds from two weeks ago (had to skip last week because of Aims Spring Break). Also I'm down another inch in the belly and 1.1 in BMI (still don't know what that is, but apparently that's a pretty big drop).

So, what this means is that my bathroom scale was correct. I am now down 23 pounds since the Biggest Winner thing started and I was down 20 pounds before I started it. So, a little bit of simple math puts my total at 43 pounds (my bathroom scale says 44 but who cares?) since Jan. 1.

I am obviously on Cloud 9 right now. Everyone keeps telling me I should get new pants, but I just can't believe it (although I did buy some jeans the other day that were two sizes smaller than what I was wearing and now they are a little loose!).

Still have a long way to go, but I can't tell you how good this feels now. I really appreciate everyone's words of encouragement. It means a lot.


Unknown said...

Woot! A long way to go? Why? I'd say another 20-30 pounds and you'd be golden. Maybe even 30 would be too much.

Or maybe not. What IS your goal?

eba said...

Awesome, Jared. Keep it up!